Author Archives: cspurrell

Vigil for the Homeless

I met Jana after Thanksgiving 2012. It seems a good time to re-post this video. Jana invited me to photograph and film her and one of the first things I filmed was this vigil for those that die on our streets, homeless. As I write, Jana herself is facing homelessness. Please donate, please help.


Detachment and Engagement with the World

Back in February (2013, while she was still recovering from a health crisis), I asked Jana about detachment. Here is her beautiful response.

In compassion.

Memorial Services

One of the services Jana provides is a Non-Religious memorial service, where there is no mention of God. This is especially helpful to those who die in on the streets and in the SRO hotels in San Francisco. They just need someone to remember them.

In compassion.


Serious Dharma

Welcome to Walking Through Peace: Jana’s Boots



Walking Through Peace: Jana’s Boots


I met Jana in December, while photographing at Maitri. I had been invited to document the work there as part of a multi-media performance to be created by Lori Shantzis, performer, writer and gallerist.

While working in the courtyard I was immediately taken with her personality and her boots.  The boots she uses when she is Walking Through Peace. I pulled out my iPhone and recorded this video.

Afterwards she mentioned she needed someone to help document her work, and I volunteered. It has been a joy to get to know Jana. Those of you who already know her understand this. Those of you who do not, have boundless joy to look forward to. This is how my journey began. Click on the image above to play the video